Good Communication. This skill is often deemed a pre-requisite for the workplace in most industries, but especially in Hospitality. Whether it is verbal or non-verbal, communication is essential, primarily for enhancing guest experience. Unfortunately, the terms ‘communication’ and ‘communicator’ are used very lightly and we have lost the true meaning of what it means to be an effective communicator.

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural Sensitivity. A term which is often used, but not understood correctly. What is it’s true meaning and how can you apply it in Hospitality? Today, we’re living in a globalised world and are being exposed to different and new cultures everyday. Each culture is unique, whether it is their rituals, they way they communicate or even the food they eat.

As COVID restrictions are easing, the hospitality industry is picking up again but how can you ensure that guests choose YOU?

Sentiment Analysis

Online Sentiment a Reality you can't neglect! Google Reviews! Instagram Mentions! Facebook Tags! In our 21st century, technology-filled world, reviews and feedback are everything, especially for brands.